Due to Covid outbreak, the Second UPGRADE Annual Meeting was held online on 16th and 17th June 2021. More than 50 participants representing all partners attended the meeting. During the two-days event, a series of presentations and open discussions were performed involving all partners present. All partners gave an overview of the results obtained during the past… Continue reading Second Annual Meeting, online
Latest news
First UPGRADE Annual Meeting, online
Due to Covid outbreak, the First UPGRADE Annual Meeting was held online on 22nd and 23rd July 2020. More than 70 participants representing 6 European countries attended the meeting. During the two days event, a series of presentations and open discussions were performed involving all partners present. All partners gave an overview of the results obtained… Continue reading First UPGRADE Annual Meeting, online
UPGRADE First Annual Meeting Announcement
The first Annual Meeting of UPGRADE will take place on the 21-22 April Naples, hosted by the Telethon Institute for Genetics and Medicine This meeting will be a great opportunities for the project members to share their progress and plan future activities: the main objectives are to share the latest scientific results obtained by the… Continue reading UPGRADE First Annual Meeting Announcement
UPGRADE Kick-Off Meeting, Milan
The UPGRADE (Unlocking Precision Gene Therapy) kick-off meeting (KOM) was held on 1 March, 2019 at the SR-TIGET facilities in Milan. Around 35 participants representing 6 European Countries attended the meeting. During the meeting all issues related to the implementation, management, dissemination, finance and technicalities of the UPGRADE project were presented and discussed. The participants mostly… Continue reading UPGRADE Kick-Off Meeting, Milan
UPGRADE Kick-Off Meeting Announcement
The kick-off Meeting of UPGRADE takes place on the 28th February – 1st March in Milan, hosted by the San Raffaele-Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy. The kick-off meeting taking place in Milan will be a great opportunity for the 8 consortium partners to meet each other and have a first contact with the project’s management team.… Continue reading UPGRADE Kick-Off Meeting Announcement
Press release: Launch of the UPGRADE project
Fondazione Telethon announces the launch of the UPGRADE project, funded by the European Union with 15 million euros, aiming at developing more precise and effective gene therapies approaches. Coordinated by Luigi Naldini, director of the San Raffaele-Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy (SR-TIGET) in Milan, this 5-year project will involve several of the most important scientific groups of… Continue reading Press release: Launch of the UPGRADE project
UPGRADE Institutions
UPGRADE gathers together leading European and an American scientist in field of precision gene therapy. Together, this consortium has the unique expertise to create innovative tools to expand efficacy and safety of gene targeting technologies, convert viral-vectors to specifically target cell types and decreased immunogenicity of novel AMP. The participants of UPGRADE have been selected from across… Continue reading UPGRADE Institutions
Gene therapies
In recent years, gene therapy has shown a remarkable potential to offer definitive treatments for otherwise incurable diseases. By the end of 2017, seven gene therapy products have reached the market and many more are entering clinical testing. These recent successes are largely attributable to incremental step-wise improvements in the efficiency and safety of delivery tools, the most… Continue reading Gene therapies
Gene editing
Targeted engineering of the human genome opens up an enormous number of new research opportunities and therapeutic possibilities. We are just at the beginning of the “age of genome editing” and we have already witnessed the amazing potential of these technologies to transform research, making possible to design and execute an unprecedented arrays of experimental studies, and attract… Continue reading Gene editing