The UPGRADE (Unlocking Precision Gene Therapy) kick-off meeting (KOM) was held on 1 March, 2019 at the SR-TIGET facilities in Milan. Around 35 participants representing 6 European Countries attended the meeting. During the meeting all issues related to the implementation, management, dissemination, finance and technicalities of the UPGRADE project were presented and discussed. The participants mostly… Continue reading UPGRADE Kick-Off Meeting, Milan
Tag: kick off meeting
UPGRADE Kick-Off Meeting Announcement
The kick-off Meeting of UPGRADE takes place on the 28th February – 1st March in Milan, hosted by the San Raffaele-Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy. The kick-off meeting taking place in Milan will be a great opportunity for the 8 consortium partners to meet each other and have a first contact with the project’s management team.… Continue reading UPGRADE Kick-Off Meeting Announcement